How to reach HNW individuals through the top sales training program for RIAs

Listen to my podcast interview with Michael Kitces.

Michael’s recap on what you will learn from the interview:

  • How Amy brought $50M of ultra-high-net-worth AUM in just 18 months despite starting at the age of 26. [2:38]

  • The creative ways Amy has found high net worth individuals and approached them for a first meeting. [13:27]

  • Why “Telling Isn’t Selling” and how to structure your pitch to prospective clients around solutions, not just your capabilities. [15:44]

  • How to make things easier for a referrer by offering specific people or criteria, instead of broad requests for referrals. [20:45]

  • Why Amy chose wealth management instead of trading or investment banking when she arrived at Goldman. [31:23]

  • A methodology for getting in front of specific people through strategic networking, and warming up leads before reaching out. [34:39]

  • The research methodology around identifying high-net-worth prospects that Amy uses. [40:47]

  • How important it is to have a strong digital presence to make a great first impression. [59:53]

Full Interview Here!

Contact us to learn why we are the top sales training program for:

  • RIAs

  • Wirehouse Advisors

  • Wealth Managers

  • Accountants

  • Attorneys

Contact us to learn a bit about the areas of training we focus on and our sample curriculum topics.