Social Media Marketing and Strategy for Financial Firms, RIAs and Accounting Firms

Here are 5 things you must do daily on Linkedin for highest impact!

When I was thinking about what video to make for you guys today, I was thinking, "Well, what better way thing to provide to everyone "than what to do on LinkedIn on a daily basis?"

And what I mean by daily not just five days a week, business days, no I mean seven days a week, 365 days a year. If you could do these for 20 to 30 minutes every single day, you will literally get the exact results you've been looking for from LinkedIn.

I've already mentioned it a number of times that LinkedIn is my ultimate favorite social media platform. With over 700 million followers and users, look, every single decision maker you're looking for is there. Sure, it won't have people retired or it won't have people who've really never been in the business world, but if you're trying to connect with investors, if you're in business development trying to connect with a decision maker or advance your career, they're all on LinkedIn. If they're not, it's a detriment to their own career. So it's a mutual beneficial platform and that's why so many people are on it.

Now, you need to maximize and you need to be doing these things for 20 to 30 minutes a day, these are the strategies I recommend to my own clients so I wanted to share those with you.

The only catch that I must say, the only caveat, is that if you do not have over 1,000 followers on LinkedIn, these strategies may limit you, or their effectiveness may be limited. So what I highly recommend is go back to the video I made a while back, called How I got to 30,000 followers and how you can too!. Watch it to the end, start following those strategies so you could get to at least 1,000 followers and then come back to this video, so you could utilize it more effectively.

And the way you could find out how many followers you have is click the Me button, go down and it should say it right there.

Okay, so if you do have 1,000 followers and you're ready to get started on what to do, here we are, I'm going to share that with you.


So the FIRST THING I really want you to do is the first thing to do is really reach down, reach out to five different people on your LinkedIn network who are your first connections. And one of the easiest thing you could do is just go to the search box, click enter. I mean, there's multiple ways of getting to here. but what I like to do, just go to all filters, click your first connection. And let's say you wanna find people who are based in New York, and you just wanna touch base. Like, I'm based in California. If I wanna reach out to my friends in New York, I could go to greater New York City area, these are all my first connections. And I want to see, who do I know in New York? And I wanna start reaching out to them. Well, this is showing me my network in New York. Let's say another thing is you wanna reach back out to your first connections, again I'll go to first connections, who I went to business school with. So I went to Fuqua at Duke University. So I want you to reach out to five different people, minimum, on a daily basis, to just touch base. To share a video you've made, to share what you're up to, to find out how you can be helpful to them. And what I mean by help is not a victimization as if they're suffering. So do not ever write an email to people saying "If I could ever be of help let me know," because most people will probably not write you back if you're writing something like that. So you wanna make it sound and be very authentic, but be from a place that you could really have tangible ways to help people.

In fact, in my book you could actually get some of those samples. So you're more than welcome to buy that book and actually have some templates. But I honestly really promise you the best results come from authentic, very genuine language. Now that being said, I really wanna make sure you check your grammar, you check your paragraph breaks, you don't just write to people and it looks horrific. Not that I'm saying you would, but I've seen it all, right? So please be careful. So that's the first thing.

The second thing I like to do is really follow the news on LinkedIn and provide my comments. Now, that's only if your firm allows it. There are so many different firms, so many different compliance rules. But the best way of doing that is actually to go to the news, what's trending, and if you have any specific views on something, like let's say for example US restricts entry from Brazil. I'm just looking this up. Or long weekend draws crowds. What I look here is I look to see who wrote it, I actually look for that article that they wrote, and then I start actually, so I go to see all, you go to posts here. And then I start seeing what this writer has been writing about. And I start commenting, because then the LinkedIn writer, the editor may want my views. What this does is it actually opens up my profile visibility to others who share the same views. So I think if you could do this on a daily basis, it would be really helpful.

The third thing to do is try to post something if you can. Whether it is post something that's original or post something that's already out there and be able to actually make a comment about it. So if you've written something on your website, the best thing to do is actually to bring it up here, right here you would click the LinkedIn button, you could just write a post. And just do it daily, use a lot of hashtags. And for all you know it could actually start being trending. And it'll also draw an interest level to your profile. So that's the third thing that I recommend.

The fourth thing is, again, be more engaged with your followers and actually start liking a lot of their things that they're writing. Look, these people have gone a long ways as well to write these things. So I highly recommend if you believe that this person should be someone that you want them to look at your profile a great way of hinting and showing them that you're thinking of them is to actually like their stuff as well. Just put a like, put a comment in there, and that goes a long way.

And then the fifth thing I like to do is take a look at who's viewed my profile. Now, if you have the premium service, you could see who's viewed your profile and then they won't know if they've viewed your profile. But if you don't have the premium version as well you could be able to do this. The fifth thing you could be doing is to actually engage with your followers. Look, you cannot be selfish and just post and walk away and say okay, who's gonna be calling me? No, they need to see as well if you are engaged with them. I will go into a much more deep level with you on how to fully engage with your followers and how to write them actively later on, but just the surface of it, what you could do in the 20 to 30 minutes, you should be really going down your feed and actually liking or commenting on what some of your followers are writing. Look, they've gone a long way, they've put a lot of effort into this and they really appreciate it when you actually comment or like what they're writing. So, that will allow them to be like "hmm, who's this person who wrote me?" And I actually like to write to people or comment or like the ones that I really do want to get to follow, but they have very few likes or comments, because again, it's kind of like they really at that point appreciate that at least a few people are commenting on what they're posting. So that goes a long way.

Now, I mentioned to you guys that I would post also a bonus strategy that you guys could do daily. For that, you have to watch the video!!

Questions asked in this video:

  • How to market yourself on Linkedin if you are a financial advisor, CPA or lawyer

  • How to optimize your Linkedin usage daily?

  • Best practices on Linkedin for CPA’s, Financial Advisors and Lawyers

  • How to modernize your marketing approach online for lawyers, financial advisors and CPA’s

  • And a lot more!!!