How to Build a 2024 Financial Advisor Marketing Plan?

As a seasoned financial or legal practice, you know that effective marketing and sales are crucial for expanding your practice and driving business growth for the next generation and chapter of your business.

However, despite your efforts to engage on social media, maintain a strong online presence, and have a visually appealing website, you may find that your marketing and “sales” endeavors are falling short of your expectations.

You are, as they say, “just going through the motions.”

Furthermore, you may find it challenging to share with your team of advisors and professionals what each of them should be doing on a daily and weekly basis to achieve their individual growth goals for your practice.

You want to motivate your team, but the lack of direction is causing either frustration or lots of excuses.

This is where the expertise of Select Advisors Institute comes into play. By helping you develop both your marketing strategy AND marketing plan (and yes, they are different!), you can ensure a well-rounded approach to achieving success in your practice’s growth efforts.

Understanding the Difference: Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan

To achieve true momentum in marketing and sales, it is essential to differentiate between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct components of your journey towards success.

Your marketing strategy, which is crafted and designed by Select Advisors Institute through our comprehensive discovery, audit and research process, establishes the foundation for achieving your marketing and sales goals.

It encompasses a high-level outline that aligns your team towards a shared vision, with a deep understanding of your target audience and value proposition. It also builds excitement and buy-in from the entire team on what we want to achieve.

While we've discussed the importance of having both a marketing plan and strategy in place, it's crucial to understand the specific nuances of RIA marketing. Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) operate in a highly competitive, highly regulated industry, which means their marketing efforts need to be both innovative and compliant.

A comprehensive RIA marketing strategy must encompass both inbound and outbound marketing techniques. Inbound marketing includes tactics like search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and social media engagement—all designed to attract prospective clients to your firm. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, focuses on traditional and digital advertising methods to broadcast your services to a larger audience.

But how can you make sure you're doing it right? Let’s break down some critical components:

1. Content Is King

Whether you’re generating blog posts, eBooks, or infographics, content marketing is one of the most powerful inbound strategies. RIAs should focus on creating valuable content that addresses the pain points of their target audience. The goal is to position your firm as a thought leader and trusted resource. When potential clients feel educated by your content, they are more likely to reach out.

Example: If you specialize in retirement planning, writing an article on "The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make in Planning for Retirement" could be both attention-grabbing and informative. Make sure that these posts are optimized with SEO keywords so that they rank highly in Google searches.

2. Leveraging Social Media

Though financial services may traditionally shy away from social media, RIAs can use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram to share insights, build a network, and gain new clients. Consistency is key. Rather than simply promoting your services, use social media to engage with your audience. Answer questions, participate in relevant discussions, and share real-time industry updates.

Make sure your firm has a clear social media policy to ensure compliance with SEC regulations, especially when it comes to client testimonials or investment advice.

3. SEO & Lead Generation

For RIAs, SEO should be a top priority. Why? Because when potential clients search for financial advice, retirement planning, or tax strategies, you want your firm to be the first one they find. Optimizing your website for search engines means implementing keywords strategically and frequently refreshing your content to ensure it remains relevant.

Additionally, consider using lead generation services tailored specifically for financial advisors. These platforms help funnel qualified leads directly to your practice, allowing you to focus on converting prospects into long-term clients.

4. Compliance Matters

One of the most significant obstacles for RIAs in marketing is adhering to compliance guidelines. It's essential to stay on top of SEC advertising regulations, particularly with the new rule changes regarding testimonials and endorsements. Partnering with a compliance consultant or leveraging automated compliance tools can ensure that your marketing materials are not only effective but also legally sound.

5. Multi-Channel Marketing

A robust RIA marketing strategy should employ multi-channel marketing—incorporating everything from email newsletters to webinars and even direct mail. While digital marketing is essential, direct mail campaigns targeting high-net-worth individuals can also be incredibly effective. Personalized letters with actionable insights can stand out in a world dominated by email and social media.

6. Data-Driven Results

Finally, a good RIA marketing strategy should be data-driven. Regularly analyze your campaign's performance using metrics like conversion rates, website traffic, and client acquisition costs. Tools like Google Analytics or CRM software can provide you with a comprehensive view of what's working and what needs improvement.

By integrating a balanced mix of inbound and outbound marketing strategies, focusing on compliance, and continually analyzing performance, RIAs can grow their client base, establish trust, and build a reputation for excellence.

Want to learn Select Advisors’ Process for helping you define and execute your marketing strategy and plan?

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