Tailored High Net Worth Database (bi-monthly subscription, cancel anytime!!)


Tailored High Net Worth Database (bi-monthly subscription, cancel anytime!!)

from $200.00 every 2 weeks

Get a monthly listing of wealthy individuals in your area who meet your criteria! Let us help you find people we deem as possibly successful and high net worth.

Bi-Monthly Subscription, CANCEL ANYTIME!!!

How does this help you?

  • Are you spending countless hours writing your blogs but hardly anyone is reading them?

  • Are you hosting seminars and events, but you’re inviting the same 10 people?

  • Do you want more names and contacts that fall within your niche market?

If so, it might be time to get more PROACTIVE.

Get names, some background and contact information of people who meet your specific target!

Criteria Options include:

  • Near Retirement

  • Possible Inheritance

  • Recent Marriage

  • Senior level (not CEO) job change. We have another package for CEO job change

  • Sale of business

  • Business with high revenue

These names can help build up your email distribution list, your Linkedin presence and your visibility.

The more names you are in front of, the faster you can get your profile out there.

How does this work?

  1. Give us your criteria you are looking for, whether it’s wealthy people near a specific zip code, recent inheritance, near retirement, etc.

  2. Select how many names you want (batches of 20 or 100)

  3. Give us some background on your preference and niche (while we can not guarantee we will only find these people, if our zip code universe is large enough, we can filter out those who don’t fit your target)

  4. Our aim is to find people whose net worth exceeds $2mm (based on our own reference of some metrics, although their actual net worth is not guaranteed to be above $2mm)

Not sure how to approach them? Sample emails and communication strategies can be found on our Sales Manual!

Or sign up for the coaching add-on!

If you select 100 names, you will receive the Sales Manual on a complimentary basis!

Number of Names: